Sec542 Web App Penetration Testing And Ethical Hacking Pdf Download Free Softwa


Awesome-web-hacking This list is for anyone wishing to learn about web application security but do not have a starting point. You can help by sending Pull Requests to add more information.

Ingraining security into the mind of every developer. Web application security, pen testing and ethical hacking, and software security awareness. These courses are written and taught by world-class instructors. Sec542 Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking GWAPT sec575 Mobile Device Security and Ethical Hacking GMOB sec642. SANS SEC542 (Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical.pdf - 0 downloads sans-sec542-web-app-penetration-testing-and-ethical-hacking-cheat-sheet - This week I obtained my GWAPT (GIAC Web Application Penetration Tester) certification (as a follow up to the SEC542 Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking.

Agvazhenin obschestvoznanie kontroljnie zadaniya. NotSoSecure is pleased to launch their much awaited advanced Web Hacking course. Much like the Advanced Infrastructure Hacking class, this course talks about a wealth of hacking techniques to compromise web applications, APIs and associated end-points. This three day course will focus on specific areas of app-sec and on advanced vulnerability identification and exploitation techniques (especially server side flaws).

The course allows attendees to practice some neat, new and ridiculous hacks which affected real life products and have found a mention in real bug-bounty programs. The vulnerabilities selected for the course either typically go undetected by modern scanners or the exploitation techniques are not so well known. Attendees can also benefit from a state-of-art Hacklab and we will be providing 30 days lab access after the course to allow attendees more practice time. This fast-paced course, gives attendees an insight into Advanced Web Hacking, the NotSoSecure team has built a state of the art Hacklab and recreated security vulnerabilities based on real life Pen Tests and real bug bounties seen in the wild. Whoever works with or against the security of modern web applications will enjoy and benefit from this course.


This is not a beginner class and attendees are expected to have a good prior understanding of the OWASP top 10 issues to gain maximum value from the class. Further to this, the course does not cover all AppSec topics and focuses only on advanced identification and exploitation techniques of the vulnerabilities shown on the right. This course will be suitable for delegates Interested in the SANS Institute course SEC542: Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking.

AUTHENTICATION BYPASS • Token Hijacking attacks • SQL column truncation attack • Logical Bypass / Boundary Conditions SAML / OAUTH 2.0 / AUTH-0 / JWT ATTACKS • JWT Token Brute-Force attacks • SAML Authentication and Authorization Bypass • XXE through SAML • Advanced XXE Exploitation over OOB channels PASSWORD RESET ATTACKS • Cookie Swap • Host Header Validation Bypass • Case study of popular password reset fails.

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