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If one is not fluent in Hebrew, it is advisable to study material on the parsha in one’s native language. Some have the custom also to review the week’s Haftarah reading, while others have the custom to also recite Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs). If a person is traveling and he only has a Chumash without Onkelos, he should read the Hebrew twice and add the translation of Onkelos later, when he is able. (The Shulchan Aruch permits one to review the commentary of Rashi in lieu of the Targum, though those who are able to do so should optimally review both – OC 285:2.) 72:12 It is a mitzvah to bathe on Friday in honor of Shabbos. It is also proper to study Rashi’s commentary on the parsha.
Maski-dlya-rosta-volos.ru is tracked by us since December, 2016. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 1 609 421 in the world, while most of its traffic comes from Russian Federation, where it reached as high as 82 734 position.
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