Pocket Excel Download Windows Ce 50

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Pocket Excel Pocket Excel • • • With PAC Mate's support of Pocket Excel, many new and exciting possibilities await you. While a mini version of the desktop application, Pocket Excel retains many of the powerful features you need in a spreadsheet analysis program. Like other Pocket PC applications, your Excel files are fully synchronizable with Excel on your PC. Pocket Excel files use the extension.pxl and.pxt. During synchronization, many items in your.xls file will not convert or are changed in your.pxl or.pxt files. For instance, cell comments and hyperlinks do not convert, while borders change to single lines in Pocket Excel.
However, once you synchronize and convert back to.xls these items are restored. For more information on PAC Mate Conversion changes, please see Pocket Excel's online help in the PAC Mate. You can find the Pocket Excel application in the Programs submenu ( F4, P, P, DOT 8).

The first time you open Pocket Excel, it opens by default to a blank spreadsheet so you can immediately begin entering data. To view all the commands available in Pocket Excel, please see. After you have created a workbook, Pocket Excel will then open first to a list view where you can choose the workbook you want to open or create a new workbook. To select a workbook in the list view, use the cursor cross to move to the workbook and then press DOT 8.
To create a new workbook, press F2 and press DOT 8 on New. In Pocket Excel you can open only one workbook at a time.
When you open a second workbook, the first one is saved and closed automatically. To save a workbook, press F2, move to Tools and press DOT 8.
From the Tools Menu, press DOT 8 on Save Workbook As. In the Name edit field type a name for your file. If you want your workbook to get saved in a particular folder, press DOTS 4-5 CHORD to move to the next control and use the cursor cross to select a folder. The next control allows you to change the workbook's format. Since this is also a combo box, use the cursor cross to select a file format.
The last control in this dialog designates where you want to save your file. You have a choice of using the Main Memory or Flash Disk. To close and exit this dialog, press DOT 8. Synchronizing Pocket Excel Workbooks Pocket Excel workbooks can be synchronized with Excel on your PC.
To synchronize files of any type, you must first create a. Then in ActiveSync on your PC go to the Tools Menu ( ALT+T) and select Options. In the Mobile Device list view, place a check in the Files' check box. When you select Files, a PACMate My Documents folder is created on your PC's desktop. Inwells car alarm manual.
Place all files you want to synchronize with the PAC Mate in this folder. Password-protected files cannot be synchronized. All Pocket Excel files stored in My Documents and its subfolders are synchronized with the PC. ActiveSync converts documents during synchronization. For more information on synchronization or file conversion, see ActiveSync Help on the PC.