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A mind that has been stretchy out by a new experience can never go back to its old dimension. Russia Sometimes one step that you make in your life can change you forever even though at the beginning you do not completely realize what the hell you are doing. That situation occurred to me when I was 15 years old, a naive, ordinary girl, who had just graduated from English proficiency middle school in the small town in Russia. I was spending my carefree summer days in St.
So wonderful time Not only because it’s the summer holidays, no. For me, summer is a little life. Beginning of something newSummer is a time of changes, the beginning and the end of something. For some people it is to moving to. Yeah, well, let me rephrase it (sorry for my english btw). I'm a freshman architecture student and we have this class they want me to design a house from scratch.
Petersburg when my family suddenly decided to send me off to the shores of the United States of America, particularly to the islands of Hawaii, a place that I thought existed only in fairy tales. Their plan was to send me there for one school semester to live with my relatives, go to the American private school in order to perfect my English skills and have me see the world. I could not believe in it until the moment when my parents dropped me off at the airport in Moscow, said good bye, having no idea that we would not see each other for almost 4 years. The beginning. On the plane I cried, without a particular reason until I cried myself to sleep. I woke up in 12 hours in LA, and saw through the window beautiful Pacific ocean of the color that I thought could only exist in tourism catalogs. I had very mixed feelings: eager to see what's beyond the borders of LAX and little bit uncomfortable to be in the foreign environment.
I had gone through the customs without any problems, exited the gate got in the cab that drove me the hotel where I had to stay overnight before my flight to Hawaii. I didn't see much on the ride, could not really understand the cab driver, who was trying to start up a conversation with me.
At the hotel I could not sleep it was hard to get on the LA time. So I stayed up, browsed the web and watched CNN. My flight to Hawaii was carried out by the Aloha airlines, the plain smelled like flowers, flight attendants wore pretty dresses and open smiles, and their hair were decorated with orchids. They served Guava (a famous fruit of the tropics) juice and crackers.

The flight duration was 5 hours long and the whole time we were above the ocean. Obrazec zhaloba na otsutstvie ulichnogo osvescheniya. The I saw a chain of island and the pain easily landed on the island of Maua'i, where I had to switch on to the plane headed to the island of Kauai, my final destination. The smell of ocean breeze, fruits and flowers went up to my nostrils when I exited the plane, it felt like there were too much air. I had a lay over on Maua'i for an hour and then I boarded a jet plane that carried me further to the north. The ride was 45 minutes long, after 2 Guava juices we started to land in the Lihue airport.