Myscript Stylus Linux
In Windows I had been using MyScript Stylus for handwriting recognition software with it's seamless recognition and in a supple multi-lingual pop up window, and as needed dream. Kaaloo tilekter mugalimge. I knew they had a Linux version, and naively I had assumed it was a matter of simply installing it and away I would be. MyScript Stylus is a handwriting recognition software that easily installs in Ubuntu 8.04, 9.04 10.04, 10.10, 11.04 and 12.04. It is not open source or free-ware though. However, you can download.
IOS Desktop applications • MyScript for Livescribe was an application that converted ink to text and dedicated to Livescribe Pulse/Echo Smartpen users. • MyScript Stylus brought handwriting recognition to all apps by replacing the keyboard on your PC desktop.
• MyScript Studio Notes Edition was developed to manage, search and convert handwritten notes uploaded from any digital writing device. • MyScript Studio Forms Edition was an application dedicated to small businesses and individuals which enabled the processing of forms and included all MyScript Studio Notes Edition functionalities.