Intellistim Be 28e Manual
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This top of the range professional EMS unit a unique 'IntelliSTIM' interactive programming function. Programmes 0 to 3 manual for EMS/TENS (editable) Programmes P1 to P17 are. Enter the IntelliSTIM BE-28E. This is my third.
The unit IntelliSTIM BE28UG, though equipped with sophisticated features and functional flexibility, is easy to use even directly by the patient. In addition to the perineal pre-set programs, the automatic IntelliSTIM function that automatically determining the time parameters (action / pause), based on the frequency and intensity, allowing the professional user to create customized programs, without requiring extensive experience or electrophysiology concepts. The availability of two channels of stimulation with biphasic pulses symmetrical biphasic and alternating allows use with ring sensors probes and fingers sensors probes. Technical features power supply 2 Alkaline battery Type AA1.54v (LR6) output numbers 2 with independent intensity regulation max output 100 mApp on 1000 Ohm pulse width selectable 50?3S to 400?3S Frequency from 1 Hz to 150Hz wave form Symmetrical rectangular biphasic - Rectangular biphasic alternating Timer Selectable between: Continuous, 10min, 20min, 30min, 45min, 60min, 90minutes size - weight 138x68x28 mm (with bag and accessories) - 160 g CE Marchio N° 0051. METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR LARYNGEAL ELEVATOR MUSCULATURE REHABILITATION BACKGROUND [0001] The current invention generally relates to a method of treating decreased laryngeal elevation.
More specifically, this invention relates to the use of a neuro-orthotic device, in combination with electrical stimulation of the submandibular muscles, to treat laryngeal elevator musculature. This invention also relates to muscle re-education and rehabilitation by using a neuro- orthotic device, in combination with electrical stimulation of the submandibular muscles, to stimulate laryngeal elevator musculature. [0002] People with dysphagia have difficulty swallowing, and may also experience pain while swallowing. A commonly encountered functional abnormality in individuals with dysphagia is a decrease in laryngeal elevation. Laryngeal elevation is important in the elongation of the pharyngeal-esophageal sphincter, and assistance with epiglottic closure.
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Often, the decrease in laryngeal elevation is due to atrophy of the laryngeal elevator musculature. [0003] The use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) for dysphagia treatment has gained increased interest over several years. There have been a few investigative studies into NMES treatments of dysphagia. Some previous studies have focused on research methods involving the stimulation of open nerves in animals. Other studies have focused on the use of electrical stimulation with parameters adjusted to initiate the swallow reflex. [0004] In the context of sleep apnea research, some researchers have hypothesized that electrical stimulation may improve laryngeal musculature and thereby decrease apneic episodes.