How To Install Openproject On Windows


• Linguogeography, Sociolinguistics, Onomastics, and Terminology: Current Approaches, Categories, and Aspects • Applied Linguistics: Trends and Aspects of Studies. Terminoznanie: Osnovy i metody [Tekst] / L. Morozova – M.: GNO «Prometej» MPGU, 2004. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Terminovedenie Zvegintsev V.A. The History of linguistics XIX–XX centuries in essays and extracts at 2. [Istorija jazykoznanija XIX–XX vekov v ocherkah i izvlechenijah v 2 ch]. This journal was published prior to January 1, 2017 in a printed version and had an ISSN number: 2305-6177. Since January 1, 2017 the journal has transitioned to an e-journal, and now carries a new ISSN number: 2454-0749. The article makes a comparative analysis of the lexico-semantic process of homonymy in the modern English and Russian languages by the material of ecological terminology.

Installation of OpenProject - Ubuntu 16.04. LTS


(Last Updated On: November 11, 2018) Hello good folks! This short guide will take you through the steps to Install OpenProject Community Edition on Ubuntu 18.04 / 16.04 LTS. OpenProject is a powerful project management and support tool for small to large teams that help you throughout the entire project management lifecycle. Outstanding features of OpenProject • Project planning and scheduling • Product roadmap and release planning • Task management and team collaboration • Agile and Scrum • Time tracking, cost reporting, and budgeting • Bug tracking • Wikis • Forums • Meeting agendas and meeting minutes Step 1: Install transport-https & memcached Kick off the installation by ensuring your apt package list is updated and installing the transport-httpspackage. Sudo apt update sudo apt -y install apt-transport-https memcached Step 2: Enable universe and add OpenProject Repository Import the PGP key used to sign OpenProject packages: wget -qO- sudo apt-key add - Enable universe on your Ubuntu 18.04 and add OpenProject repository by running the commands: sudo add-apt-repository universe sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openproject-ce.list Step 3: Install MySQL Database server OpenProject requires a database server to function. It is recommended to use the latest MySQL version (>= 5.7) as it supports special characters such as emojis (emoticons) out of the box. Sudo apt -y install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev mysql-client Once the database has been installed and service running, create a database and user for OpenProject.


Login to the mysql console as root user $ mysql -uroot -p Then create a database and user CREATE USER 'openproject'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'StrongPassword'; CREATE DATABASE openproject CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON openproject.* TO 'openproject'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; QUIT Step 4: Install the OpenProject Community Edition package After adding the OpenProject repository and configuring a database for OpenProject, install OpenProject Community Edition package on your Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Sudo apt update sudo apt -y install openproject Step 5: Configure OpenProject on Ubuntu 18.04 / 16.04 LTS The OpenProject installation wizard supports the automatic setup for MySQL databases. The OpenProject package is configured through ENV parameters that are passed to the openproject user. Read current ENV parameters by running: $ openproject run env To write/read individual parameters, use openproject config:set PARAMETER=VALUE and openproject config:get PARAMETER. Run the package configuration wizard with the following command: openproject configure 1. On database setup wizard, select “ Use an existing database” and click 2. Use MySQL IP 3. Use MySQL port 3306 4. Provide database username for OpenProject 5.