Feig Obid Usb Driver
4 Find your OBID RFID-Reader Configuration Interface device in the list and press double click on the usbiocontrolleddevices device. Click Reinstall driver button. 5 Choose Install from the specific location and click on the Browse button. Click on the Next and Finish button after that to complete the installation process.
With the acquisition of the AutoID equipment specialist advanced PANMOBIL systems GmbH & Co. Glober font torrent download. KG, FEIG has expanded its solution competence in the field of intralogistics and production and completed its extensive product range of RFID hardware with AutoID devices optimized for use in logistics and production. As a new business field for mobile AutoID solutions, the name PANMOBIL remains and will be integrated into the IDENTIFICATION business unit.

As a result, all PANMOBIL products are subject to the same high quality standards as FEIG products. The former advanved PANMOBIL systems GmbH & Co. KG has been operating under FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH since and continues to operate from the previous location in Cologne.
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