Download Justin Bieber Believe Movie 3gp
Watch Justin Bieber's Believe 2013 Full Movie Free: watch Justin Bieber's Believe full movie, watch Justin Bieber's Believe movie.
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The camera follows Justin Bieber (1994- ) during the ten days leading up to his August, 2010, sold-out show at Madison Square Garden. Footage of these ten days of concerts, rehearsals, and down time with boyhood friends, his mom, and his entourage is inter-cut with home movies, old photos, and interviews showing a musical prodigy who loves to perform, comes to the attention of an Atlanta agent via YouTube, impresses Usher, and rockets to international stardom soon after his 15th birthday. His manager emphasizes the importance of social media and of Justin's work ethic and personality in making him a star; the camera emphasizes Bieber's look. His mom and grandparents shine.

Alternate Versions The film was re-edited and released digitally as a 'Director's Fan Cut' just two weeks into its regular theatrical run. This alternate version removed approximately 30 minutes from the original and added 40 minutes, for a total run time of 115 minutes. It also includes the 'LXD presents: Game On' short film intro. Some of the new footage for the Director's Fan Cut includes longer sequences with Justin and his friends in Stratford, a segment about Justin's pranks and alternate musical selections including a live performance of 'Favorite Girl'.
I decided to go see this movie with some friends, just to have a laugh. We were hoping that it would be so bad that it would become funny. But it was just awful.
I just cant take that kid seriously. Also, this movie just confirmed what we all knew, JB has an ego even bigger then Kayne West. The entire movie was like: 'Look at me, i'm a talented singer and a good person!
There is simply nothing that i can't do!' What the movie forgot to mention is that its his mommies fat cigar smoking managers that made JB. He's a puppet.
This movie could make him look better, but it just buried him deeper. I'm starting to think that this was done on purpose because the fat cats want to get rid of him. Would not recommend.