Ddex Provider Firebird Install

Ddex Provider Firebird Install

Aug 16, 2017 - How to install DDEX Firebird Provider in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. Step 1: Install the DDEX Provider 3.0.2. Download DDEX Provider 3.0.2 and install it. A little jazz exercise oscar peterson pdf files. Preparing the reg-file. Kmspico v1012 final activation windows office. Download the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the base reg-file, depending on the bit depth of your operating system. Edit the private registry. To include Firebird Data Source in the list: Step 1: Install DDEX Provider. Download DDEX Provider and install it. Usually it is installed in the folder C: Program Files (x86) FirebirdDDEX. Step 2: Preparing the reg-file. Download the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the base reg-file, depending on the bit depth of your operating system.

Hi i want to use firebird library, and i followed its instruction as below, but i get 'The referenced component 'FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird' could not be found.' Instruction: Prerequisites • Make sure that you have Visual Studio.NET 2005 Standard or higher edition. • Express editions are not supported. Registry update • Remember to update the path in FirebirdDDEXProviderPackageLess32.reg or FirebirdDDEXProviderPackageLess64.reg, places where to update it are marked%Path%.

• Install the.reg file into the registry. Machine.config update Add the following two sections to machine.config (located usually at C: WINDOWS Microsoft.NET Framework v2.0.50727 CONFIG machine.config and C: WINDOWS Microsoft.NET Framework64 v2.0.50727 CONFIG machine.config on 64-bit system).... And subst:%Version% With the version of the provider assembly that you have in the GAC.%Culture% With the culture of the provider assembly that you have in the GAC.%PublicKeyToken% With the PublicKeyToken of the provider assembly that you have in the GAC.