Captain Harlock 2013 English Dub Download
Mar 27, 2015 - A mysterious space pirate of the future, Captain Harlock. Which include both the Japanese and English dubbed versions, will be given away.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • Plot [ ] In the future, in 2977 AD, humanity has achieved a vast starfaring civilization, but is slowly and steadily succumbing to or despair, often due to defeat and subjugation by a foreign invader. Rising against the general apathy, Harlock denies defeat and leads an outlaw crew aboard his starship Arcadia to undertake daring raids against Earth's oppressors. Bsmultitool exe download. Their primary oppressors are the Mazone, a race of organic plant-based alien women who explored Earth in the mythic past and are now back to reclaim it.

Characters [ ] The Captain [ ].