A2 Racer 2 Torrent

Those people who say this is a bad movie, are wrong. I have seen this film 4 times in 5 days, and I will go and see it at least another 4 times!!! The main difference between A2Racer (alternative title for Autobahnraser) and Fast&Furious is HUMOR!!!!!
Not only we get fast and beautiful cars, we get a large amount of jokes and funny situations as well!! That is what I missed from Fast&Furious. The plot itself is quite simple, but these movies are not about the story, they are about cars. And girls, of course. And you can see a lot of beautiful girls in this movie!!!! Also the action sequences are very well done.
In 2000, Davilex Games B.V. Publishes A2 Racer - De Politie Slaat Terug on Windows. This racing / driving game is now abandonware and is set in an automobile.
I only felt sorry for those cars they have broken. But fortunately the Police Porsche survived!!:-) Anyway, I think the German did a great job, and this movie will always have a place among my favorites!!:-).
A2 Racer Overview A2 Racer Free Download for PC is a racing computer game series, from Dutch game company Davilex Games. The series started with the game A2 Racer in 1997, in the Netherlands, in which the player has to race over the Dutch A2 highway. In A2 Racer 2 and other sequels, the racing expanded to other places in the Netherlands and Europe. The game series was published in Europe under different names, like London Racer and M25 Racer in the UK, Autobahn Raser in Germany, and Paris-Marseille Racing in France. A2 Racer Download free Full Version.